Mar 14, 2018

Welcome to Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani

Welcome to Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani! We are a vibrant and inclusive faith community, committed to fostering love, faith, and spiritual growth. Join us on the second Sunday after Pentecost, June 3rd, 2018, for a meaningful and inspiring worship service. We invite you to explore our beliefs, engage with our community, and experience the grace and warmth of our congregation.

Our Community and Beliefs

At Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, we are dedicated to creating a welcoming environment where individuals can explore their faith, build deep connections with others, and find spiritual fulfillment. Our community is rooted in the rich traditions of Christianity, and we strive to integrate these teachings into our daily lives.

Worship Service

Our worship service on the second Sunday after Pentecost, June 3rd, 2018, is designed to uplift and inspire. Led by our passionate and knowledgeable pastors, our services blend traditional elements with contemporary expressions of worship. We believe that worship is a transformative experience, and we invite you to join us as we come together to praise and connect with God.

Community Involvement

At Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, we believe that faith extends beyond the walls of our church. We actively engage with the community, seeking to make a positive impact on society. Through various outreach programs, volunteer opportunities, and partnerships with local organizations, we strive to demonstrate God's love through actions. Join us in our mission to create a better world, one filled with compassion, justice, and equality.

Beliefs and Teachings

Our beliefs at Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani are grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ. We embrace a theology of love, grace, and redemption, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and compassion. We affirm the Bible as the inspired Word of God and seek to study and interpret it with intellectual rigor and spiritual discernment. Our congregation is diverse and inclusive, welcoming individuals from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Join Us on June 3rd, 2018

We invite you to be a part of our worship service on the second Sunday after Pentecost, June 3rd, 2018. Whether you are a long-time believer, a seeker, or simply curious about exploring faith, we welcome you with open arms. Our church is a place where questions are encouraged, doubts are respected, and personal journeys are celebrated. Come and experience the joy, fellowship, and spiritual growth that await you at Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani.

Connect With Us

To learn more about Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, our beliefs, and our community, please visit our website. You can find information about upcoming events, ministries, and ways to get involved. Connect with us on social media to stay updated on the latest happenings and join the conversation. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing in this beautiful journey of faith together.


As the second Sunday after Pentecost approaches, we at Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani are filled with excitement, anticipation, and gratitude. Our vibrant community welcomes you to join us on June 3rd, 2018, for an enriching worship service that celebrates the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. We are committed to fostering faith, love, and spiritual growth, both within our church and in the broader society. Explore our website, connect with us, and experience the warmth and grace of our congregation. Together, let's create a world filled with compassion, justice, and love.