Heather Blackstone Appointed Director of Youth Ministries

Oct 3, 2020
Our Staff & Volunteers

Welcome to the official website of Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani! We are honored to introduce our newest addition to the ministry team, Heather Blackstone, as the newly appointed Director of Youth Ministries. With her exceptional expertise and passion for nurturing spiritual growth among the youth, we are confident that she will make a significant impact on our community.

Introducing Heather Blackstone

Heather Blackstone brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role as the Director of Youth Ministries at Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani. With a Bachelor's degree in Theology and a Master's degree in Youth Ministry, she has dedicated her life to serving and guiding the younger generation in their faith journeys.

Prior to joining our team, Heather spent over 10 years working with various youth organizations and churches, providing mentorship and support to countless young individuals seeking a deeper connection to their spirituality. Her commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for young people has earned her recognition in the community.

Enhanced Youth Community

Heather's vision for the youth community at Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani is rooted in building strong foundations of faith, encouraging personal growth, and empowering the young generation to become leaders in their own right. Through engaging Bible studies, interactive workshops, and inspiring events tailored specifically for the youth, Heather aims to create a space where they can explore their beliefs, ask questions, and develop a genuine relationship with God.

Furthermore, Heather understands the significance of collaboration and the importance of community engagement. She plans to forge partnerships with other local youth organizations, schools, and nonprofits to provide a wide range of opportunities that will enrich their spiritual journeys and enable them to contribute positively to society.

Fostering Spiritual Growth

One of Heather's primary goals as the Director of Youth Ministries is to cultivate an environment where young individuals can flourish spiritually. Through regular worship services, retreats, and mission trips, she aims to create impactful experiences that leave a lasting impression on their hearts and minds.

Recognizing the unique challenges and pressures that today's youth face, Heather will address relevant topics such as identity, relationships, mental health, and social justice, equipping the youth with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate these complexities while remaining rooted in their faith.

Engaging Activities and Programs

Heather believes in the power of engaging activities and programs to instill a sense of community and foster spiritual growth among the youth. From weekly youth gatherings and volunteer initiatives to exciting outings and creative arts programs, she endeavors to create a diverse range of opportunities that cater to the various interests and passions of the youth.

Furthermore, Heather is committed to investing in leadership development programs that empower young individuals to serve as role models and influencers within both the church and society. By nurturing their natural talents and igniting their passion for creating positive change, she envisions a new generation of resilient and compassionate leaders emerging from within the youth community at Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani.

Join Us in the Journey

We invite all parents, guardians, and young individuals seeking spiritual growth and a sense of belonging to join us in this exciting journey with Heather Blackstone as the Director of Youth Ministries. Together, we will embark on a transformative experience that will empower the youth to discover their purpose, embrace their faith, and make a lasting impact for generations to come.

For more information about our youth programs, events, and how you can get involved, please visit our website or contact us directly. We look forward to witnessing the incredible growth and achievements that lie ahead under the leadership of Heather Blackstone.

Nathaniel Payton
Congratulations to Heather Blackstone on her appointment as Director of Youth Ministries. Wishing her success in her new role!
Nov 8, 2023
Congratulations Heather! 🎉 Excited to see your impact! 👏
Oct 5, 2023