Meet Our Staff at Foothills Christian Church

Mar 1, 2018
Our Staff & Volunteers

Leadership Team

Our church, Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, is blessed to have a dedicated and passionate leadership team that guides our community towards spiritual growth and inspiring service. Each member of our staff plays a vital role in creating a welcoming environment for everyone who walks through our doors.

Pastor John Smith - Senior Pastor

Pastor John Smith leads our church with unwavering commitment and a deep love for the community. With over two decades of pastoral experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge and spiritual guidance to help us grow in our faith. Pastor John is known for his inspiring sermons and compassionate heart.

Reverend Maria Garcia - Associate Pastor

Reverend Maria Garcia serves as our Associate Pastor, leading various community outreach initiatives. Her caring nature and passion for helping others have made her an invaluable part of our church family. Reverend Maria's inspiring messages of hope and restoration resonate with people from all walks of life.

Ministry Team

Our dedicated ministry team is composed of individuals who are committed to serving the Lord and our community. Through their tireless efforts, they help foster a sense of belonging, spirituality, and service within our church.

John Davis - Worship Minister

John Davis leads our vibrant worship team, guiding us in uplifting and meaningful worship experiences. His musical talent and devotion to God inspire our congregation to praise and connect with Him on a deeper level. John's dedication to creating an atmosphere of spiritual connection is evident during our weekly services and special events.

Sarah Johnson - Youth Pastor

Sarah Johnson serves as our Youth Pastor, leading our youth group with passion and enthusiasm. She creates a safe and nurturing environment for our young members to grow in their faith and build strong relationships with their peers. Sarah's engaging teaching style and genuine care for each individual make her an exceptional mentor.

David Martinez - Community Outreach Coordinator

David Martinez plays a crucial role in our church's community outreach efforts. With a heart for serving those in need, David works tirelessly to organize events, initiatives, and partnerships that bring hope and help to our local community. His dedication to living out God's call to love and serve others is an inspiration to us all.

Administrative Team

Supporting the operations and day-to-day functioning of our church, our administrative team ensures smooth coordination of various activities, enabling our staff and volunteers to focus on our mission.

Lisa Thompson - Church Administrator

Lisa Thompson serves as our Church Administrator, overseeing the logistical and administrative aspects of our church's operations. Her exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail keep our church running smoothly. Lisa's warm and welcoming demeanor provides a comforting presence for those seeking assistance or information.

Rachel Stevens - Communications Manager

Rachel Stevens leads our communications team, ensuring effective and timely communication of church events and updates both within our congregation and to the wider community. Her creativity and strategic planning contribute to the vibrant and engaging presence of our church across various platforms. Rachel's passion for spreading the message of God's love is evident in her work.

Support Staff

Our dedicated support staff members play a crucial role in maintaining our church's facilities, providing technical expertise, and ensuring the smooth operation of various events and programs.

Mark Johnson - Facilities Manager

Mark Johnson oversees the maintenance and development of our church facilities, ensuring a welcoming and safe environment for our congregation. His attention to detail and commitment to excellence help create a space where everyone can worship, connect, and find spiritual solace.

Emily Hernandez - Sound and Lighting Technician

Emily Hernandez is our skilled sound and lighting technician, responsible for ensuring high-quality audio and visual experiences during our services and events. Her technical expertise and dedication to creating an immersive worship atmosphere contribute to the spiritual engagement of our congregation.

Alex Turner - Volunteer Coordinator

Alex Turner plays a vital role in coordinating our dedicated volunteers, ensuring their involvement aligns with their passions and gifts. His commitment to supporting individuals in finding meaningful ways to serve fosters not only a strong sense of community within our church but also enables us to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve.


At Foothills Christian Church - Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, our staff members are more than just employees; they are dedicated servant leaders who are committed to transforming lives and building a stronger community. Through their various roles and responsibilities, they exemplify the values of faith and beliefs, inspiring us all to live out our calling as followers of Christ. We are grateful for their dedication and the impact they make on a daily basis, helping us create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all are valued and loved.

David Jaffe
They inspire and guide us.
Nov 8, 2023
Allen Abernethy
These leaders uplift our community with unwavering dedication 🙏❤️
Oct 14, 2023